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Thursday 23 August 2012

First letter in the book AFRICA OUR FIRST LOVE

Dearest brother
Hoping the address is same,
Hasn’t changed since our childbirth.
Thoughts, painful thoughts,
In remembrance and wanting to be there,
Compels this little one of yours,
To write after all these 8years,
8 from time I waved the byes in good all.

Flying away to London,
Changed not an iota,
Remembrance of that face of yourn,
Echoes of your stern yet brotherly voice,
I remember well,
Wondering if you are still same.

Shamefully I inquire how mother is?
Last I heard her voice is whiles and forgotten time aback.
Does she ever talk about me? I wonder almost tearfully,
Does Grandpa still come to Jo`burg  end of each month?
Golden smiles shaping his face,
Dishing them to us,
Telling us to pull up our trousers.

Utmost shame I swim in now,
Compels me to request,
Tell not a soul yet that I have written,
I shame myself for the 8year silence,
Didn’t realise it was 8 already.

Volumic questions and inquiries I bear,
If you respond I shall ask more,
Promising not to silent for 8 again,
I miss home.


During the  Olympics,
I refuse to be drawn into borrowed euphoria
I will not celebrate nations and their governments,
Flags that wave and cheer,
I refuse.

I will like a kid in a playground,
Give up the game,
When all cheer and call me on,
Because the soul of the game is no more,
It died when Olympians stopped wearing olive branches on their heads,
Nike ,addidas and sorts started wanking to thought of games,
Corporate adrenaline making junkies of passionate athletes,
Brand , logo, sponsor,
Load of tosh  to me honestly.
According to this kid,me,in the park,
The soul was gone before Illuminati coughed good morning.

Each flag let its true bearers hold high,
Syria should hold it high with blood smeared,
India should force it on its athletes in forced marriages,
Britain & France should in bold letters pronounce
“WE ARE STILL COLONISING THE WORLD” for their resources,
Libya should sing an anthem of ethnic cleansing after Gaddafi,
Kenya should put an image of female genitalia they mutilate in name of culture,
America should put a greedy bastard`s face,
Chinese should write names of executed prisoners in 2011,
Spare my random pick of countries,
I am not in the mood to celebrate the Olympics,
Will cease naming,
I am not sponsored nor aligned.

Kids look away,
I am going to swear now,
Fuck the OLYMPICS.


Such will I label and name drop,
To all those African leaders and politicians,
Who realise not an inch,
That the land you till and tunnel,
Is yours and yours in right,
To use and abuse as you wish,
Not the company that brings the excavator and cash ,
Yours with the workers,
Who dig deep,
Sweating more than they would on land,
Just so you please the foreign company.

Now they are dead,
In the name of a foreign company,
Which their own Royal would not endorse,
Yet your own folk,
Wail, moan, gasp, dead, gone
Gone forever in the name of money,
Your own folk.

These are the same fingers that voted,
Same that wave when you sang,
“Mchina wami”
Ooh, you muted that one while ago,
…the dictates of the capitalist…
I wonder and ponder,
How different you are,
From the unknown Kunta Kinte ,
Who didn’t endure the lashes,
Accepting change of name and rhythm,
From Kinte to Campbell.

Shove the rainbow show up your ass,
None is going to be fooled,
None is going to admire a rainbow,
That stages a world class World Cup,
Yet spell Apartheid backwards,
Sick I say.

I am standing at the graveside,
Him that got the bullet in the head,
Infact got more than a few,
We bury him now,
Your face isn’t here,
Nor your remorse,
They all wish they could sing,
…..“Mchina wami…..”silently singing in tears
I sing walking away from the scene